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Serious Catholics Refuse to Donate to Francis’ Vatikenstein — now it’s going broke.

They want to annihilate Traditional Catholics, they persecute conservative bishops, they alienate serious priests, nuns, and seminarians, they ridicule Catholic morality, they name abortionists and perverts to official positions —they shouldn’t be shocked the faithful are fed up.

No wonder Francis’ monstrous Vatikenstein is going broke.
The Secretariat for the Economy, which requested the new rental policy, has yet to release financial results for 2022, or a projection for 2023, but sources close to the department have privately suggested the Holy See’s 3.3 million euro deficit for 2021 has exploded, with some estimates suggesting it could be as much as 50 million for this year— almost entirely down to a drop in international donations.

Oops… And, as we all know so well, liberals don’t believe anyway, so they don’t donate — on the contrary, they increase the deficit with their contrived and expensive sinecures. It will only go downhill from here, until, perhaps, after the next conclave, if the voting cardinals are much wiser than they were in the catastrophic 2013 vote.

 No wonder Francis’ monstrous Vatikenstein is going broke. From the Pillar:


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