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Bishop Fellay Blesses Crib in European Parliament

As posted on the Eponymous Flower today

(Brussels) At the invitation of the Italian MEP Mario Borghezio (Lega Nord) and the initiative of the Civitas Institute, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, visited the European Parliament in Brussels, and blessed a nativity scene there.

The large crib is located in one of the central, public halls of the parliamentary representation of the European Union in Brussels. MEPs from France, Great Britain, Greece, Portugal and Italy, parliamentary staff and EU officials gathered to be blessed. In his speech Alain Escada, president of the French Civitas Institute suggested that the baby Jesus in the manger should rule over all nations, since all power comes from God. For this purpose, he quoted the Pope St. Pius X, as the 100th anniversary of his death was commemorated in 2014: “The civilization must not be contrived, for it was, it is and it has been a Christian civilization, it is the Catholic society. To restore it merely requires the unceasing renewal of its natural and divine principles. ”
Bishop Bernard Fellay said in his speech: “There in the mange is where it all started. So it is quite normal that Europe’s guides, God the helmsman give Him glory, who came among man to save him, He, the King of Kings. Let us remember what Cardinal Pie said, ‘When the moment for the lordship of Jesus Christ did not come, then the time has not come for governments to continue’. By the blessing of this crib, the Church is a connection between this place and the grace of God’s love. This little place is a Sacramental for the benefit of all who come here to gather inside.”
Bishop Fellay was accompanied by the District Superior of Society of St. Pius X for Belgium and the Netherlands, Father Thierry Legrand is in the seat of the European Parliament. He stressed the importance of the initiative, because of the increasing attempt to prevent the establishment of nativity scenes in France in public spaces and Advent and attempts to replace and reinterpret Christmas Traditions with “Winter events” and “Year End initiatives.”


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